This is It!
I’ve wanted to be a professional blogger for about as long as blogs have existed, or at least since I first heard they existed…
I’ve started a few blogs over the years, on both free platforms and hosted WordPress sites…
I have created and managed blogs for companies I have worked for…
I have blogged for real estate marketing, or just about my kids and life…
I’ve had a vision of my own blog being a central hub for all the different business I have been involved in…
Then I have thought, maybe I should make it more focused on just one thing: travel, or real estate or insurance or health and fitness…
I have taken classes from people who supposedly make more money from their blog in one month than I made last year, and thought, If they can do that, surely I can too. I was a journalism major, after all. That has to be good for something…
And then I have thought, Maybe I should just write about what I love, and not make it a business. Who cares if anyone actually reads it?
Should my blog be a platform for the book I will someday publish? Should I maybe just write the book as a series of blog posts?
So many options. So many details to coordinate to even get the blog set up, since I’m not exactly tech savvy. So many things to get in the way of actually writing anything at all on this blog that I’ve spent so many hours thinking about.
So today I said, This is it! Enough is enough! I’m just going to write something. Anything. Get it started and see where it goes.
So this is it. I’m not really sure what exactly this blog will be about. I will probably share funny and poignant details of my life and try to tie them into a greater meaning that could possibly have some value to you. I hope you enjoy. I hope I make you smile. I hope I show a glimpse of the beauty of this precious thing we call life.