New Beginnings & La Rentrée

by | Sep 1, 2018 | Mindset, Mental Health & Entrepreneurship

September has always been my favorite month: a month of new beginnings, back to school (even though the kids go back to school in early August here in Arizona), summer turning into fall, the weather cooling down (ever so slightly), and…my birthday!

It’s like a second New Year. And in fact, in the Jewish Religion, we usually celebrate Rosh Hashana, the Jewish New Year and the start of the High Holy Days, in September. (The actual date varies each year because it’s based on the Hebrew calendar.)

In France September is know as La Rentrée, the re-entry (from vacation back to work and school). When I lived in Paris many years ago, the city was visibly empty during the hot and humid month of August when all the locals left for vacation. Many companies even closed for several weeks. But come September, everyone returned with a newfound vigor and excitement. 

I have always felt a bit of that, even in Arizona where the heat is still oppressive and the kids have been back at it for weeks already. 

And this year I feel it even more because we have been like the French and have spent much of this month traveling around. But also because I have a Rentrée of my own coming up!

Next week I turn 44 years old, and I will also officially be a college freshman again as I begin Nursing School! 

The past few weeks have been a whirlwind, but smack dab in the middle of all these fun family trips, I received notification that I was accepted into the BSN Program at Chamberlain University School of Nursing. So in between packing and unpacking, loads of laundry, meal planning, financial planning and helping Mike with our Real Estate business, I have been tracking down college transcripts and even high school AP scores from 25 years ago, taking assessments, applying for financial aid, registering for classes, and all kinds of crazy stuff I last did a lifetime ago. More on why I made this crazy decision later…

While 44 may seem a bit old to be starting a second bachelor’s degree and a whole new career, I believe it is never too late to begin again, to follow your dreams, to create new dreams, to change your life. I look forward to sharing my experience in this next crazy adventure with you.

1 Comment

  1. Jeanine

    Sounds like an amazing journey!!! I look forward to following it ❤️


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