Why ‘Auld Lang Syne’ Still Resonates Two Weeks Into the New Year
We are already two weeks into the new year, but I still catch myself humming “Auld Lang Syne” in my head. I can’t be the only one, right? The melody has this haunting quality that sticks with you, even long after the confetti has settled and the excitement of...
What are you Afraid of?
What are you afraid of? What if you apply for that job (or 50 jobs) and you don't get it? What if you ask her out and she says no? What if you go out with him and it's not everything you hope for? What if you throw the party and no one shows up? What if you tell your...
The Top Three Questions I Get Asked About My Life Coaching Business
As a life coach and breast cancer survivor, I often receive questions about what I do and how it can help others, especially those going through challenging times. Here are the top three questions I get asked, along with my responses. I hope you find this insightful...
How Coaching is Different from Therapy (and Why Both Can Work)
I often get asked how coaching is different from therapy, and which one is better to try. Here’s what I tell my clients: Coaching and therapy are BOTH incredible tools. It depends where you’re at in your life and your current struggles as to which...
A Couch in the Kitchen: Facing Divorce as a 49-Year-Old Breast Cancer Survivor
Saturday, October 14, 2023 I try to keep my voice light and untroubled as I quickly tour the movers through the home Mike and I bought only a year and a half ago, pointing out which furniture will go to my new place and which will stay here. Mike had told me to just...
You can listen right here: Or wherever you listen to podcasts: Apple Podcasts Spotify Amazon I think you'll enjoy this one. I get pretty vulnerable about what's going on in my life and ask for your feedback on how you'd like to see this podcast evolve and grow. We...
Adjusting our Lens
The following is an excerpt from the last chapter of my book, Piece of Work, a memoir... Not long ago, my teenage daughters were bickering, and I said to them, but also to myself, “If we could spend half the time we currently spend trying to make our own voice be...
Living in a Multiverse
It's like I have multiple personalities, or I'm living in a parallel universe...a multiverse maybe? For 72 hours of the week, I'm working half the time, driving and sleeping the rest. And for the remaining 96 hours of the week, I'm recovering while also doing...
Pink and Blue – a Poem
I love the color blue. But not on a baby’s skin. For skin we want bright pink. Blue ok on feet and hands. Immature circulation, normal. Not face, not lips, not chest. My stethoscope is baby blue. No baby’s chest should match it. Cut the cord quick. Get her to the...
Fight Song – September 20, 2019
Today is the second anniversary of the day I received my breast cancer diagnosis. Here's an excerpt from my upcoming memoir, Believe about the moment when I got the news... So, as it turns out, the very first person I tell that I have breast cancer is my...