Adjusting our Lens

Adjusting our Lens

The following is an excerpt from the last chapter of my book, Piece of Work, a memoir... Not long ago, my teenage daughters were bickering, and I said to them, but also to myself, “If we could spend half the time we currently spend trying to make our own voice be...

Living in a Multiverse

Living in a Multiverse

It's like I have multiple personalities, or I'm living in a parallel universe...a multiverse maybe? For 72 hours of the week, I'm working half the time, driving and sleeping the rest. And for the remaining 96 hours of the week, I'm recovering while also doing...

Pink and Blue – a Poem

Pink and Blue – a Poem

I love the color blue. But not on a baby’s skin. For skin we want bright pink. Blue ok on feet and hands. Immature circulation, normal. Not face, not lips, not chest.  My stethoscope is baby blue. No baby’s chest should match it. Cut the cord quick. Get her to the...

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